Dr. Hans Andrews is Distinguished Fellow in Community College Leadership and former President of Olney Central College in Illinois. He was also a Dean of Instruction and Vice President of Community and Student Services at two other community colleges in Illinois and Michigan and was an adjunct faculty member at Illinois State University. Hans is credited for starting the first dual-credit program between a community college and secondary school in the United States. He also served as the national community college spokesperson on teacher evaluation and recognition for outstanding teachers. His seven books and many of his 130 journal publications have highlighted recognition, evaluation, and dual-credit. Hans has been a contributor of articles to the Higher Education Digest on numerous occasions. His professional career started out as a secondary school teacher of business and as a school counselor. His Doctorate in Counseling Psychology is from the University of Missouri-Columbia. His Masters Degree and Baccalaureate degrees are from Michigan State University and Central Michigan University respectively.