St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences located in Warangal Urban is one of the earliest pharmacy colleges in India. Founded by St. Peter’s Educational Association, which started in 1980, the institute was established in 1995. Operating for more than two and a half decades, the institute has been serving the educational field of pharmaceutical sciences and is recognized as one of the foremost colleges in the country.
For any aspiring student, a sparkling future begins at St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPIPS) as the institute is research intensive and offers the opportunity to be taught and mentored by faculty pursuing cutting-edge research in the pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice.
SPIPS offers an enriching learning pathway that fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas, equipping students with knowledge, skills, commitment, discipline and excellence to become leaders in the field of pharmacy.

With the rise of a knowledge-based economy, accelerating economic globalization, and much greater international mobility, SPIPS has taken an unprecedented initiative in the past few years, creating various teaching methodologies with an international dimension for students at all levels creating an environment of learning and innovation. Graduates of SPIPS are acknowledged as outstanding pharmacy professionals, and its academic stall is respected nationally.
The SPIPS campus is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that include Wi-Fi connectivity; world class infrastructure; modern labs with the latest equipment; highly qualified, renowned resident and guest lecturers; well-endowed library, student and faculty exchange programs; drug information center; student support services; sports, recreational, and career placement facilities.

Currently, St. Peter’s Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers:
B.Pharm – Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Bachelor’s Degree Program enables the student to understand the subject by taking them through Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Applied Biochemistry, Dispensing Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy etc., which give them a strong career support.
M.Pharm -Master of Pharmacy
Specialization in Pharmacy deals with specific aspects of scientific knowledge that includes Concept Development, Drug Design, Dosage Form Technology, Drug Analysis & Estimation, Pre-clinical & Clinical Evaluation and Patient care. Students at St. Peter’s are not only learning the molecule and chemical structure but their research in the near future may lead to more efficient and effective drugs.
Advanced studies in the PG program gets one to discover newer depths of gastrointestinal drug absorption, excipient and processing effects on drugs product performance, pro-drug design, solubility and dissolution phenomena, drug transport mechanisms, drug stability, computational chemistry, chemical structure-physical property relationships, crystallization mechanisms, permeation enhancers, delivery of anti-cancer drugs and many other areas. It also generally entails studying factors in transforming a pure drug substance into a bioactive dosage form, where the right amount of drug is available at the correct site for just the right amount of time.
In other hand pharmacology and toxicology discipline works on molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease states and associated pharmacology as well as a range of toxicology research. Screening of lead molecules for their activity & safety, development of newer techniques for drug evaluation, identification of adverse drug actions and drug interactions is the primary focus.

ranks in GPAT, NIPER and several Gold medals at University level
A paradigm shift in the practice of pharmacy in the country is started with an introduction of pharmacy practice curriculum which focuses on ultimate patient care who is the end user of the techniques and drugs developed by various branches of pharmacy professionals. The curriculum of PG in Pharmacy Practice trains graduate students in rational Therapeutics, patient counselling, pharmacovigilance, therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical research, and toxicology to name a few. Together, these disciplines provide a strong multidisciplinary approach to pharmaceutical research.
Doctor of Pharmacy
(Pharm.D & Pharm D Post Baccalaureate)
The Doctor of Pharmacy program is an educational experience that goes beyond a traditional curriculum. Various activities included in the curriculum prepare the graduate to Practice Pharmacy in the twenty-first century. With a good understanding of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of each drug as well as the clinical effects and proper usage, graduates of Doctor of Pharmacy will become inseparable part of a health care chairs.

International Student Exchange Program (SEP)
SPIPS has an MOU with University of Findlay, Ohio, USA under Student Exchange Program since 2014. Students from Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, USA etc., visited St. Peter’s for their Internship on rotation basis. The institute conducts Industry Training Workshops every year by Pharmacy Training Institute, Bangalore and CII Life Sciences. Also, St. Peter’s operates Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA) Hanamkonda local branch from the Institute and organizing various events every month. The institution mandates that every student should participate in oral presentations and poster presentations on different topics of emerging technologies every week in the College.
SPIPS organized an All India Students’ Congress in 2013, contributed during Students World Congress 2015 and volunteered FIP World Congress 2011. The institute also encourages research publications by the staff and students to be published in national and international journals i.e., Science Direct, Elsevier, IJPS, Springer etc. Also, the students and staff are provided an opportunity to deliver talks and present papers in AAPS (USA), FIP, ISPOR, FAPA, AASP etc., in USA, Cairo, Brazil, China, Switzerland, Turkey, Lisbon, Thailand, Singapore, Germany, Bali, Singapore, Dubai, Malaysia etc.
A testament to the fact that the teaching methodologies at St. Peter’s is effective is the fact that every year SPIPS students bag top ranks in GPAT, NIPER and several Gold medals at University level. SPIPS has also bagged awards at the All India Pharma Students Dance Competition, Best Scientific and Oral Presentation besides innovative designs and received Research Grants for various projects. In addition, SPIPS meticulously organizes campus placements and student-based placements every year. These efforts are directly translated into the number of industry stalwarts who flock at the gates of the institute to recruit the cream of crop. Some of these industry names are Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, Dr. Reddy’s, Aurobindo, Hetero, Bharath Biotech, Mylan, Sun Pharma, and Icon.