Located at Yelahanka, close to Bangalore International Airport, REVA University stands apart from its peers with its innovative model of education and faculty members of high caliber. In fact, the Founder and Chancellor of REVA University, Dr. P. Shyama Raju believes in perfection at all levels and has truly established a ‘temple of learning’ at REVA, where all students from all walks of life can enter to learn and grow. He says, “The vision and mission of REVA University are based on creating leaders with moral and ethical values who can lead the society in the right direction. We also emphasize on Research, which is an important aspect of the University for disseminating knowledge to the student community.”
At present, REVA University offers 28 Undergraduate Programmes, 22 full-time Postgraduate Programmes, 2 part-time Postgraduate Programmes, 18 Ph.D. Programmes, and several Certificate/Diploma and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes in Engineering, Architecture, Science and Technology, Commerce, Management Studies Law, Arts & Humanities, and Performing Arts. Dr. Shyama Raju shares, “Our programmes are designed based on the in-depth analysis and research with emphasis on knowledge assimilation, practical applications, hands-on training, global and industrial relevance, and social significance.”
Bearing in mind the emerging trends in education and demands from students, REVA has always been placing adequate stress on revisiting the curriculum occasionally to understand the demands of the industry. With this in mind, the University has added on programmes on offer for the year 2020 such as B.Tech in Aeronautical Engineering, B. Tech in Information Science & Engineering, B.Tech in Computer Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science), B.Tech in Computer Science & Systems Engineering, and B.A in Tourism, History & Journalism. “In recent years, technology is changing rapidly and embracing the most modern technology is not an easy task. However, we have taken every step to meet the global standards by updating the technological knowledge to embrace the shift happens in the technological world. Also, the multicultural environment with a high concentration of international students makes us out from the crowd,” pinpoints Dr. Shyama Raju.

A staunch believer in youth power, Dr. Shyama Raju inspires his team to spend maximum time and spirit with the youth, influencing their lives in all ways possible. He adds, “We at REVA bring in a professional approach in designing our courses that are well researched and thoroughly curated. From the day of its inception, the programs are articulately aligned with the student’s goals. This helps them streamline their ideas and plan their future as meticulously as possible.” Today, REVA faculty members and students alike are creating waves across the world, excelling and representing the country on global platforms.
A Research-Intensive University
Research plays an inherent part in the teaching-learning process at REVA. Teachers are either research scholars or pursuing research studies in their respective subjects with special emphasis on multidisciplinary work. They belong to the crème de crème of the academic world. “Our faculty members balance their role as knowledge facilitators and receptors. Inculcating curiosity in the minds of the learners is important to make them a part of the knowledge exchange process. Each faculty of REVA duly inculcate curiosity in learners by encouraging knowledge exchange and active participation of students,” opines Dr. Shyama Raju.
REVA hosts weekly Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) through which the educators will engage in interactive sessions on their subject matter and way beyond that as well to polish their knowledge. These FDPs enhance their planning and execution that keep them abreast with the advancements in the industry. FDPs are also multidisciplinary, which provide them with a bigger scope for research and knowledge sharing in their subjects. At the outset of bursting technological progressions worldwide, REVA faculty members update their knowledge and skills regularly to stay abreast of technological advancements.
Dr. Shyama Raju explains, “The majority of the faculty members have been engaged in sharing research-related experiences and interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary collaborative work by appreciating the research contributions of colleagues. Thus, making the campus vibrant and conducive for research and research-oriented activities.” REVA University also encourages faculty members, research scholars and students by providing financial help to travel and take part in various academic and research-oriented events. As a result, the students and faculty members have come up with innovative ideas and products that are beneficial for society.
Dr. Shyama Raju proudly says, “Our students have invented REVA E-notes Android App, REVA News Feed Android App, REVA Bus Tracker, and many more. The presence of well-experienced and well-qualified faculty members has been our greatest strength. Most of these faculty members have doctoral or postdoctoral degrees.” REVA University considers research as the primary activity to enhance the teaching-learning process and to develop a unique identity as a university that addresses social issues through the precise application of Science and Technology innovation. The Research and Innovation Council of the University aims to liaise continuously with various funding agencies, R&D institutions, industries, and faculty members of REVA University to facilitate innovative and cutting-edge research studies in different fields.
In addition to that, collaboration with various research organizations, R&D club, Research and Innovation Club, REVA Research Conclave, and annual conferences enable the students to focus on developing innovative ideas that offer value to the society and help students to face challenges. “Today, research skill is a highly appreciated skill in many industries because any career aspirant should know how to gather information from authentic sources to complete a project or to prepare a report. Thereby, our graduates come out as individuals with well-rounded aspects,” pinpoints Dr. Shyama Raju.
Offering Global Standard of Education
Global education is a must in the seamless world of education that we are in today. To provide global standards of education, REVA University has collaborated with various educational institutions and universities of repute around the globe, which help the students to excel in their academics. The University also conducts international educational trips and student exchange programmes for the students to understand different educational systems prevalent in the world. Dr. Shyama Raju says, “We have an International Centre at REVA to provide the best programmes in collaboration with top-league International Universities. This way, we create knowledgeable students of international standards under the expertise of international faculty and industry personnel while pursuing their Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degrees at REVA. Faculty members from foreign universities visit our campus and engage in knowledge exchange sessions with the students.”
The collaboration of REVA with foreign universities provides the students with the opportunity to take up summer and winter school programmes that help them to obtain the experience of student life at these universities. The University also offers internship programmes abroad to the students that provide them with global exposure to jump-start a successful career. REVA has collaborated with universities such as RWTH Aachen University, IQS School of Management – Universitat Ramon LLull, University of California, Riverside, Florida International University, Management Development Institute of Singapore, Universal College of Learning, New Zealand, ETSAB, Barcelona, The University of Alabama, Oklahoma State University, Michigan Technological University, to name a few.
On the other side, REVA strongly believes that a strong industry-academia tie up is a must for any student to benefit from a University programme. In this direction, REVA makes it a point to involve the industry in as many layers as possible in the teaching-learning process. “The industry collaborations are helpful for students in obtaining necessary credentials that meet the requirements of current industry trends. The internship programmes and technical certifications related to industrial research and projects act as the stimulus for learning amongst the students,” claims Dr. Shyama Raju. The engaging partnerships of REVA accelerate competent instructional practices, professional development, strategic planning, academic learning, and skill-based learning in the students.
Indeed, REVA University offers unparalleled facilities to the students that enrich their theoretical and practical knowledge to make them job ready. Dr. Shyama Raju adds, “As an integral part of the learning culture at REVA, students engage in a proactive approach in education. As we equip students with the necessary theoretical knowledge related to their programmes, it becomes increasingly important to impart the practical aspects, which is the core of their learning experience.” The industry tie-ups of REVA NEST include Seventh Sense People Development Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Biozeen-Bangalore Biotech Labs Pvt. Ltd., CII, National Entrepreneur Network (NEN), Electronics Sector Skill Council India (ESSCI), Finnish Russian University Corporation Telecommunication (FRUST), Arthavidya, EMC, Oracle Academy, SAP, Intel, VMware IT Academy, Infiction Labs, All India Technical and Management Council, and Janpat.
To keep up with the pace of changing technology, REVA University introduced REVA NEST, a technology business incubator within the campus to help students to build their entrepreneurial skills. REVA NEST offers internship programmes to students in various domains. Institution’s Innovation council – IIC recognized by MHRD Govt. of India works with REVA NEST to transform innovative ideas of students into prototypes. NEST TBI encourages early-stage start-ups and growth stage start-ups by providing expert mentors who help the start-ups to accomplish their goals. “With the present age employers keen on employing youth who are not only innovate in their thinking and action but also are enterprising and consider entrepreneurship as an alternative. At REVA, we give priority to nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship through University-industry collaboration,” explains Dr. Shyama Raju.
REVA has a tie-up with Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad for an intrinsic entrepreneurship programme that exposes students to the innate practices of business. Some of the ventures of REVA students/alumni of the University are Dhanaina Technologies Pvt. Ltd., SANDCUBE Analytics, Tacnik Technology Pvt. Ltd., WLEND, and Hind Electric Works. These innovation and entrepreneurship cells of REVA identify and encourage the ground breaking ideas of young talent by organizing periodic workshops, discussions, seminars, hackathons, idea competitions, community outreach programmes, training sessions, industry visits, innovation campaigns and entrepreneurship awareness camps to fit the students for the rapidly changing industry.
“Our students acquire various skills and qualities during their study. They acquire various qualities such as organizing skills, communication skills, entrepreneurial skills, compassion, time management, research skills and relevant industry skills,” shares Dr. Shyama Raju. REVA University plays an integral role in developing the personality of the students. The faculty members of the University allow the students to take up leadership roles to organize various events such as seminars, workshops, festivities, championships, fresher’s day, and so on. Because of the presence of multicultural students on the campus, all students will enhance their communication skills, especially face-to-face communication.
The University also has internship programmes, overseas training programmes and placement training programmes helping the learners to develop relevant industry skills based on the subject of study. Most importantly, the University students learn how to manage their valuable time by handling multiple commitments without missing the deadlines. They also develop critical thinking and problem-solving attitude during their studies, which qualify them for a long-lasting career. “We understand the needs of the youth today in a digital world. Our classrooms are ICT supported, wherein faculty and students can access material online. The entire campus being a Wi-Fi enabled campus has added value to the teaching-learning process,” opines Dr. Shyama Raju.
At REVA University, faculty members indulge in experiential learning, project-based learning, flipped classroom, collaborative and cooperative learning as a part of their pedagogy. This adds a lot of value to sustaining the interest of students in the classroom. The efficient LMS in the campus makes assignment submission and project work a lot more effective. Dr. Shyama Raju pinpoints, “Thinking out of the box being priority in learning, students are engaged in various beyond the classroom topics and hands-on experience is a must. Our labs and workshops which are of state-of-the-art standards, enable a smoother teaching-learning process.” The university encourages students to use the digital resources in campus and libraries to add to their wealth of knowledge.
“Skill-based courses are a mandate and all students compulsorily go through these skill-based modules. Industry-academia interactions periodically are shuffled into the main course of the programmes and students go on various industry visits apart from an active internship programme,” adds Dr. Shyama Raju. REVA allows the students to participate in activities and interactions that will warrant interface with the industry. Seminars, industry visits, guest lectures from professionals, workshops, discussions, international symposiums, internships, on ground and live projects, and other connected participatory happenings that offer them an opportunity to excel. Students at REVA also receive comprehensive soft skill training as part of their pre-placement preparation, a crucial feature to make them Industry-ready.
Focusing Social Sensitization of Students
Every graduate of REVA is instilled with a sensitivity to society through various outreach programmes offered. “A REVAite is expected to be absolutely sensitive to societal needs, a strong set of values and perceptions, socially responsible citizens and very positive in their outlook towards life,” says Dr. Shyama Raju says, who has initiated the concept of Jagruti, to instill social responsibility in students that enable them to take up various social issues and work for society’s good. Jagruti was the flagship campaign of REVA Electoral Literacy Association (RELA), a movement planned and executed successfully by the joint effort of students and faculty members of the University supported by BBMP Officials and the State Election Commission in 2018. Jagruti for voting awareness was organized to spread awareness on the civic responsibility towards voting among the citizens to induce their democratic sensibility. Thus, Jagruti was born and the focus of the voting campaign was Byatarayanapura constituency in Bengaluru. RELA, as an effort became highly successful in creating voting awareness amongst the public.
The Government of Karnataka recognized the combined endeavor of the voting campaign on International Voter’s Day. The Governor of Karnataka along with the dignitaries of the State Election Commission felicitated Dr. P. Shyama Raju, the Chancellor of REVA University for leading the social awakening voting campaign through Jagruti. Dr. Shyama Raju adds, “This year, we have initiated Jagruti towards global warming, as an effort to create awareness about the consequences of global warming.” Through the revolutionary model of JAGRUTI-towards Global Warming, REVA University shares its beliefs to align the Edupreneurs’ community and ecosystem to focus on this alarming issue.
The initiative is proposed by the University to encourage the participation of masses, explicitly through the students and staff from other educational institutions. “We have been creating awareness of Global Warming in small ways within the campus. With the student size of more than 14,000 on the campus, each student has pledged to take this campaign forward. Along with this, the faculty and other staff members of the University also work to build awareness or Jagruti amongst the youth about Global Warming,” shares Dr. Shyama Raju.
Today, REVA University has created extensive plans for its future as it looks forward to expanding its horizon in various academic disciplines. Keeping innovation in mind, REVA University focuses on applied education and research to reimagine future education. Strategic plans are devised to develop a multidimensional research ecosystem to nurture more academia and industry collaboration. “We are planning to enhance global and indigenous engagement through various strategic partnerships with academia and industries. Since the future shines bright in interdisciplinary areas, we will devise strategies to enhance interdisciplinary research to address the societal challenges. Last but not the least, we would also take necessary steps to maintain organizational excellence by developing a culture of relentless improvement,” concludes Dr. Shyama Raju. With an immersive learning experience to offer, REVA University has an exciting future ahead.
Dr. P. Shyama Raju, Founder and Chancellor
Dr. P. Shyama Raju, Founder and Chancellor of REVA University is the key person of the University. As a philanthropic gesture of giving back to society, Dr. P. Shyama Raju founded the REVA Group of Educational Institutions under Rukmini Educational Charitable Trust. The main goal of the University is to provide world-class education and holistic learning experience to the students while creating opportunities for the young generation to excel.