Tessa Douglas, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, Southern Utah University

Tessa Douglas has spent her entire career working in higher education and was recently recognized as a Top 50 Woman Leader in Utah. Her diverse leadership experiences include establishing and building her institution’s study abroad program, developing effective multi-institutional partnerships locally and internationally, and leading efforts through a multi-organizational collaboration to promote small business development and economic growth in Southwestern Utah. Her volunteerism includes serving as Cedar City Rotary Club President, running for local office, and serving on multiple local and state boards. She currently works as Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity at Southern Utah University.

Recently, in an exclusive interview with Higher Education Digest, Tessa shared her insights on social responsibility in higher education, the secret mantra behind her success, significant career milestones, future plans, words of wisdom, and much more. The following excerpts are taken from the interview.

Hi Tessa. What drives your passion for higher education, and how do you stay motivated and inspired?

One of the aspects of higher education that drew me to the field and keeps me here is the inherent hope that comes from educating and developing the next generation. Our future leaders, teachers, scientists, doctors are finding themselves in our colleges and universities. They are energized and passionate, and neither they nor we know how greatly they will change the world and individual lives when they leave us. Their potential is limitless, and I get to play a part in their development. It’s exciting! Their success and my contribution to it is what inspires and motivates me.

What do you love the most about your current role?

My career in higher education has been diverse. I began in Continuing Education, transitioned to Study Abroad, then moved to Technical Education and Workforce Development before entering my current role as Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX. That’s one of the great things about working in higher education—it is so diverse and there are so many opportunities to learn and develop within the system.

Truthfully, my current role has been the most difficult by far. In Equal Opportunity and Title IX, you are working with people who have experienced violence, harassment, and discrimination. When a student stays in school and succeeds because we were able to help them through those experiences, it feels incredible! However, the weight of the work, combined with the ever-present legal and compliance liabilities, can be particularly heavy. I am grateful for this experience though. My skills and knowledge in critical thinking, policy making, and communication have grown immensely. I have also seen a completely different side of higher education than I had before—one of the uglier sides, but nonetheless one that exists—and it has not only made me more compassionate, but also more impassioned about making our institutions safe and welcoming for all students. The bad exists with the good, and I’m grateful for a more well-rounded understanding of my institution. If we don’t know what problems exist, we won’t ever address them.

What role do you think higher education institutions should play in promoting global citizenship and social responsibility?

Institutions of higher education should contribute to a capable workforce and a well-rounded citizenry. Both are supported immensely by graduates who are globally engaged and have a strong sense of social responsibility.

Employers across the U.S. consistently indicate they need employees who not only have technical skills, but soft skills like adaptability, critical thinking, teamwork, and communication. One of the most effective ways we can teach these skills is by exposing our students to the broader world. This can be done through coursework and programming, but more impactfully through diversity on our campuses and opportunities to study abroad. I’ve experienced first-hand how getting to know and work with those who come from different backgrounds—whether cultural, racial, religious, or otherwise—helps us to become more adaptable, more collaborative, more open-minded, and more tolerant. Ultimately, these skills translate to better leaders and a more capable workforce.

Similarly, our graduates build valuable soft skills and become better citizens when exposed to opportunities for social engagement. Service learning, civic involvement, and, again, exposure to people who are different are all components of higher education that develop more well-rounded graduates. These opportunities cultivate empathy, greater community involvement and civic engagement, and a desire to be positive contributors to the places where they live and work.

What are your thoughts on diversity and inclusion? How important is it to have authentic conversations with leaders, professionals, and changemakers to create more acceptance across the globe?

My experiences in higher education have shown me how life-changing exposure to diverse people can be. That exposure promotes acceptance and appreciation, with inclusion as a natural byproduct. The more we get to know and understand those who are different from us, the better we can live and work together. Humans fear the unfamiliar; diversity and inclusion create understanding. We are all neighbors on this planet, and ultimately, we all rely on each other in some capacity.

As the world becomes increasingly divided, I believe we will realize more and more how we are all connected. That’s why these conversations need to continue. Those of different races, religions, nationalities, gender identities—they aren’t some abstract “other.” They are people. But without exposure to differences, without getting to know them as individuals rather than a nebulous group of “others”, it is harder to see their humanity and harder to see how we and they need each other.

You were recently recognized as one of the Top 50 Women Leaders of Utah for 2025. Our readers would love to know the secret mantra behind your success.

Since the first time I led a successful fundraiser for a local domestic violence prevention organization, I’ve asked myself “what else can I do?”. The idea behind this question is to challenge myself once I’ve been successful at something to see if I can stretch further. This question has led me to apply for better jobs, to run for our local school board, to serve as president of a large and very active Rotary Club, and to many other opportunities. Sometimes, I don’t succeed. In fact, I’ve had some difficult failures. But as long as I keep asking myself “what else can I do?”, I will continue to develop as a leader and individual. Something special about this question is anyone can challenge themselves with it, and the challenge can begin wherever they are in their leadership journey.

How do you prioritize your own well-being and self-care given the demands of your work?

I’m still trying to figure this out. Prior to my current job, my work and service roles filled my proverbial bucket to the point I didn’t need much self-care. I was able to engage in things I loved with people I loved in ways that more than compensated for any stressors I faced. That is not true in my Equal Opportunity/Title IX role. Prioritizing my well-being has been a journey of experimentation and letting go. It has meant leaving work sometimes to detach from a particularly hard experience. It has meant asking for and accepting support from others. It has meant scheduling activities with friends because I’ve learned I recharge most when I’m with people. Self-care looks different for everyone and finding out what really works for myself has been a fascinating process.

Who has been a significant influence or mentor in your career, and how have they helped shape your professional journey?

One of my earliest supervisors was a woman named Alla Paroiatnikova. When I began working with her, I was a university student who was incredibly shy and had no experience interacting with groups of professionals. She, on the other hand, was experienced, classy, intelligent, and well-connected. She also grew up in a foreign country and had been hired to start our institution’s study abroad program. She brought me to as many meetings as she could, invited me to events with university and community leaders, showed me how to network in those settings, and taught me how to work with professionals from all over the world. She also gave me feedback, which helped me hone my skills as we continued to work together. By the time she retired, I was a completely different person. I had grown far more confident, adaptive, and capable in a forward-facing role, and I credit so much of that to her.

What has been your most career-defining moment that you are proud of?

Taking the leap from my 15-year university career in study abroad to directing educational, community and workforce development programs at a technical college was both terrifying and exciting. I had spent most of my working years in the same field thinking that was all I could do. Studying abroad was very much a part of my identity. It was comfortable, familiar, and I was considered a top state leader in the field. Then, a series of events led me to seek other opportunities that could challenge me and help me develop more as a leader. That resulted in my move to technical education.

The first year was rough. I struggled to adjust and find my new identity. But once I did, I thrived! I was given additional responsibilities and leadership opportunities, and found a passion for community, economic, and workforce development I never would have been exposed to had I stayed in my previous job. I learned that I can not only adapt but excel in new and diverse roles. I learned I love serving in my community and creating real impact within it. And I learned a career in higher education doesn’t mean sticking to just one path.

What are your long-term career aspirations, and how do you see yourself evolving as a leader over the next five years?

I love higher education. I aim to continue growing and developing as a leader within it. Now that I know I can adapt and thrive in different types of jobs and environments though, I’m also open to working in other industries. My long-term aspirations are to continue to challenge myself, contribute meaningfully to others through my work, and be open to opportunities when they present themselves, even when they feel scary. As a leader, my goal is to increase my capacity and adaptability. I don’t want to become too comfortable or complacent. With that in mind, I see myself seeking out places to stretch, whether through work, volunteerism, or training.

What advice would you give to aspiring women leaders in higher education?

My first piece of advice is to find leaders who can be mentors and advocates for you. Mentors can help you navigate the complexities and politics of higher education, so you don’t have to figure it out all on your own. You’ll develop more quickly and more effectively as a leader yourself. Advocates are individuals who believe in you and want to help you rise. They do this by promoting you in leadership circles, serving as professional references, including you on special projects, and sharing your successes with others.

My second piece of advice is not to fear change or challenges. In higher education your career path can be straight or windy depending on your goals and adaptability. There are innumerable opportunities because of the diverse array of institutions, their diverse programs and departments, and the possibilities for collaboration across institutions and the world. If you are open to challenges and unafraid of change, you’ll have many more opportunities for leadership.

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