Startup Ecosystem in the Indian Campuses

Gaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO, RiiDL - Somaiya Vidyavihar
May 10, 2019 0

Gaurang Shetty is currently the Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO at RiiDL (Research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratory). He also leads the Developer Circles community for…

What’s Next in Education?

Abhilash Joseph, CEO, Leo & Mike
May 3, 2019 0

Abhilash is a learning enthusiast and a serial entrepreneur with more than ten years of experience in running startups. He holds an MBA specializing in…

Rethink Generic MBA

Prof. Aslam Hirani, CEO, UAssess
March 15, 2019 0

Prof. Aslam is currently the CEO of UAssess, a new-age skill benchmarking app and faculty at the Institute of Product Leadership. In the past he…

Recruitment in the Era of Industry 4.0

Editorial Team
March 7, 2019 0

Shamna Libu, HR Business Manager, Unimoni Global Business Services Shamna is an accomplished Senior HR Professional working with Unimoni Global Business Services leading the Business…