Dr. Margie Vela has devoted her career to advancing scientific knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). She currently serves the science community as…
What is it Really Worth? Measuring the Value of Postsecondary Education in the 21st Century
Rebecca Watts, Ph.D., a higher education leader and policy expert, has held leadership positions at Western Governors University, the University of Wyoming, the Ohio Department…
It’s Time to Give Credit Where Credit is Due: The Simplicity of Prior Learning Assessments
Dr. Bob Habib serves as an Instructional Systems Specialist for the Department of Homeland Security where he develops training policy for the US Coast Guard,…
Unleashing the Potential of Educational Teams: The Art of Coaching
Dr. Caroline Holden has over twenty-five years of experience in higher education. She holds a Doctorate in Higher Education, a Level 7 qualification from the…
“The Triangle”: A New Model for Ensuring Excellence in Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and Rankings in International Higher Education
Dr. Olgun’s career trajectory began after completing my postgraduate studies at the University of Surrey in the UK. Subsequently, he commenced his journey at Dokuz…
Change is Normal and Learning is Lifelong: Are We Preparing our Young People for the Future?
“A supportive, insightful and motivating facilitator” committed to getting the best out of all individuals and driving a strong, collaborative mentality to bring teams together…
Navigating UK Job Prospects: Can Graduate Jobs offer a breakthrough for International Students?
Kevin currently specialises in IT Risk Assurance at a Leading Professional Services firm, where he enjoys the intricacies of the regulated and dynamic Audit profession.…
Community Colleges: A Bridge or A Destination?
Steven L. Crow, Ed. D. has worked in higher education administration for more than twenty years serving in the vice president and interim president roles…
Harnessing Technology for Educational Excellence and Global Competence in Latin America
Dr. Mario Herane is an accomplished leader in higher education, with a notable career spanning over 17 years in educational leadership, EdTech, technology management and…
Creating a Language of Transferable Skills for your Institution: 7 Top Tips
Dr. Kate Daubney has worked in education for over 30 years and in career education and employability development for over 20 years. She has run…