Before You Decide On Which Course To Take in University

Dr. Timothy Hsi, Founder and Principal, Abundanz Consulting Pte. Ltd., Singapore
May 18, 2019 0

A counsellor educator, psychotherapist, and coach, Dr Timothy Hsi is the Master Instructor for Knowdell’s Job and Career Transition Coach Certification workshops and a NCDA…

Expanding Horizons

Terence Wallis, CEO, Indelible Adventures Inc.
May 18, 2019 0

Author, consultant, speaker, podcaster and photographer, Terence Wallis decided to leave the corporate world behind and start his own business, Indelible Adventures Inc. in 2014.…

Startup Ecosystem in the Indian Campuses

Gaurang Shetty, Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO, RiiDL - Somaiya Vidyavihar
May 10, 2019 0

Gaurang Shetty is currently the Chief Innovation Catalyst / CEO at RiiDL (Research Innovation Incubation Design Laboratory). He also leads the Developer Circles community for…